How to add transparent image overlays

Specifications for working with transparent images

Adding overlay images to your video is a fantastic way to add an extra dimension to your video, and to highlight the message you are talking about on screen, but if your chosen image is transparent, here's what you need to know to ensure it keeps its transparency:

File format: typically PNG, not JPG/JPEG
Minimum Image Size: 400*400 pixels
Maximum Image Width: 2,000 pixels

You can choose to add any image from your asset library, your device’s photo gallery, or even take a new photo to add. Once imported to your video, you can pinch and stretch the image to any size (even full screen) and position it anywhere in the viewable screen.

You can even choose to add images which themselves have a transparent background. You would most commonly see this with a company logo, so it looks as if it’s floating with the background clearly visible around it.

These images will typically be in PNG format (not JPG). In the VideoMyJob if you want to add a PNG image with a transparent background, it is important to ensure the image is at least 400 pixels wide and at least 400 pixels in height. If either side is shorter than this, then the transparency will not be preserved, and your image will have a white background.

You can easily save images from the internet on your iPhone, but it’s not always clear what size the image is (in pixels).If you are unsure about the dimensions in pixels of your image, you can use an app like Metapho to do so.

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