Question bank for two-person and interview style videos

Two person or 'interview style' videos require engaging questions that will illicit responses answering the 'WIIFM' for the audience

Explanation & Strategy:

  • Two-person or 'interview style' videos are a great way to share information about your company brand, professional relationships/synergy, and values. 
  • Responding to an interviewer or 'co-presenting' can help to take away nerves that some people experience when they are new to video and are getting use to seeing and hearing them self on camera. Minimising nerves, can help the person relax and become more authentic in their videos.
  • Use the below questions to inspire your own two-person or 'interview style' video. You can use this style of video to create a video job ad, a video email signature, a LinkedIn summary video, a cultures and values video, or even film a 'day in the life' video.

Example Script Questions:

Work related questions: 

  • How does your [INSERT COMPANY]  contribute to an employees life?
  • What are 2 core responsibilities in this role?
  • What are 3 attributes that would help a person succeed in this role?
  • Describe 2 work culture "draw cards" about your company/team?
  • What do you really enjoy about your role and your team?
  • What growth and development opportunities are offered?
  • Describe a 'day in the life' for someone in this role.
  • Can you describe your team's work styles?
  • What is the biggest challenge you face right now? 
  • How do you like to start a work day? Favourite rituals?
  • What is your biggest career milestone? 
  • Where do you see yourself in 12 months time? 
  • In the last 6 months, what major project have you contributed to? 
  • In the next 6 months, what will you have achieved? 
  • What was the biggest lesson you learnt in your first or last role? 

Non work related questions:

  • Complete this sentence “when I grow up, I want to be a…..?” 
  • What was your favourite subject, book or movie at school? 
  • Favourite places in the world to travel?
  • What is a favourite hobby, passion or interest outside of work?
  • 3 adjectives to describe your personality?
  • Do you prefer to watch sport, go to the theatre or see a musician in concert?
  • Any recommended podcasts we must listen to?
  • What is one thing you can share that people may not know about you?
  • Do you prefer to take care of plants, animals or neither?
  • Any hidden superpowers?
  • What was the first job you had? 
  • On your work lunch break you prefer to....?

Example Videos: