Video bios and introductions

Personalise your email signature, out of office or LinkedIn summary with a video bio! Use our script and video examples for inspiration

Explanation and strategy

Video is a critical component of your personal digital brand. Not only does video augment search, but it differentiates you and helps you to make a connection with your target audience. 

Internally, a video bio can help you to forge relationships at work, explain your area of expertise or services and be more memorable.

Example scripts

Interview style video bio

Interviewer - Hi [INSERT NAME]! What's on for you today? 

(Employee responds naturally. They could discuss a project they are working on,  what a 'day in the life' looks like, what their lunch plans are, etc) 

Interviewer - What are 3 adjectives that best describe you?

(Employee responds naturally with 3 adjectives that they believe describes them best)

Interviewer - What do you like most about your role here?

(Employee responds naturally. They might discuss favourite tasks, work culture aspects, the ways in which they contribute to the overall company vision etc)

Interviewer - Last but not least, what are you most looking forward to in life right now?

(Employee responds naturally)

Talk to camera video bio

I've been part of [INSERT COMPANY] for [INSERT TIMEFRAME] and I work with the team here as a [INSERT ROLE]. My role is integral to the business for a few different reasons but the key part of my role is ... [INSERT KEY REASON]...

Outside of work, I really like ... [INSERT INTERESTS AND HOBBIES]...

One of the reasons I applied to work here was because so many of my values aligned with [INSERT COMPANY NAME], and they are [INSERT RELEVANT VALUES]. I've been able to work [INSERT WORK CONDITIONS, FLEXIBILITY, TRAVEL]. The people I work with are [DESCRIBE COLLEAGUES/CLIENTS] and because of this its so easy to come to work and to be myself, which helps me to do my job well and I feel this throughout the company too. 

We also have excellent leaders, not just in our managers but theres so much self leadership amongst the teams and great mentoring programmes are on offer. Training and growth opportunities are really important to me so it's wonderful to be part of a culture that really support that in our career.

If you'd like to have a conversation and find out more about my role and how I can help you, feel free to reach out [INSERT CONTACT DETAILS] or connect with me on LinkedIn!

Example videos