How to reconnect YouTube for subtitles

Allow permission to automatically add VideoMyJob subtitles to YouTube

Any account where YouTube was connected prior to 21st April 2020.

If you have activated and connected your YouTube channel after 21st April 2020 then you already have the correct permissions and will not need to do this.

We have improved and streamlined adding subtitles to your YouTube videos. You will no longer need to manually download and upload the .srt file for YouTube.

This requires additional permissions for the YouTube channel connected to your VideoMyJob dashboard. You will need to disconnect and reconnect YouTube to your account so the correct permissions can be established.

Please note, you will still need to download the .srt file and upload manually when you post natively to other channels (i.e. Facebook and LinkedIn).

How to reconnect your YouTube channel

You will need to have manager access to your YouTube channel to do this

  1. Go to your VideoMyJob web dashboard
  2. Select 'Team Settings' from the menu
  3. Scroll down the 'Team Details' tab to your connected apps
  4. Click 'Disconnect' YouTube
  5. Follow the prompts to disconnect and reconnect your YouTube channel