How to post native videos

Everything you need to know about posting native video content to Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and other social platforms

🕵️‍♀️ HEADS UP 🕵️‍♂️

We have made updates and improvements to our Publishing workflow. Parts of this article need to be updated with the new 'Complete' stage.

We are working through updating all of our relevant articles, but, for now, here are the articles to learn more about the 'Complete' stage: 
Video Publishing Guide (Web Dashboard)
Video Publishing Guide (App)

If you have any questions please reach out to support and we'll be happy to help.

Happy videoing! 😀
-The VMJ Team

Native content is content uploaded directly to a social media network using the .mp4 file (or other video format) instead of posting a link or sharing an embedded file hosted outside of the social media platform.

This video explains how to post native video content to social channels such as Facebook and LinkedIn:

Posting natively to Facebook 

If your VideoMyJob account is connected to your company Facebook page, when you publish your video to Facebook from the app it will share it 'natively', and the analytics will pull through to the VideoMyJob app.


VideoMyJob currently integrates with YouTube and facebook

Posting natively to LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter

To post natively on LinkedIn, Instagram or Twitter you need to download the video from your VideoMyJob account and upload it, either direct to your chosen platform or via a social scheduling tool such as Buffer or Hootsuite.

Once a video is downloaded from the app you will not receive video metrics for that downloaded video

If a YouTube link is shared to LinkedIn or Twitter, the app will populate the analytics (video retention, views, watch time, reach, audience demographics).