How to embed your video in ATS, CRM, CMS, job board or web page

Find the YouTube embed code for your video in the app, dashboard or via the Chrome browser extension to add video to your digital platforms.

Enhance any web-based page by embedding a video with our easy to use app and browser extension

By embedding video, rather than inserting a hyperlink that directs visitors away from the page, you'll see improved engagement and keep visitors in your digital ecosystem.


🕵️‍♀️ HEADS UP 🕵️‍♂️

We have made updates and improvements to our Publishing workflow. Parts of this article need to be updated with the new 'Complete' stage.

We are working through updating all of our relevant articles, but, for now, here are the articles to learn more about the 'Complete' stage: 
Video Publishing Guide (Web Dashboard)
Video Publishing Guide (App)

If you have any questions please reach out to support and we'll be happy to help.

Happy videoing! 😀
-The VMJ Team

How to copy your YouTube embed video code via the chrome extension on your web browser 💻

  • Install the VideoMyJob Chrome extension in your Chrome browser
  • Click on the VideoMyJob extension icon and login to search for your video
  • Click 'Embed Video' to copy your video's unique embed code to your clipboard
  • Once you have this code, you can paste it into any ATS, CMS, job board or web page that supports embedded video

How to copy your embed video code from within the VideoMyJob smartphone app 📲

  • Expand the menu in the top left and select 'Your Videos' (if the video was published by you) or 'Team Videos' (if the video was published by someone else on your team)
  • Locate your video and click on the main image
  • Click on the two dot icon and select 'Video Settings'
  • Select 'Embed Code' from the list of options
  • When you click 'Copy' a confirmation will display. Paste the embed code into any ATS, CMS, job board or web page that supports embedded video, or send it to a colleague.

Happy embedding!

If you experience any difficulty, chat with one our support staff via the chat button on the bottom right hand corner of your screen.